In 2019, the aesthetic vision of 2 women of Greek showbiz: Synatsaki and Oikonomakou fleshes out in a brand called Project Soma.
Inspired by the female body and wanting the strong message of female solidarity to be heard everywhere, a collaboration was started that has much to offer to the fashion world. A partnership like this, aims to offer clothes from fine fabrics made in Greek factories bearing always in mind the ecological sensitivity and identity of Project Soma. A brand of dynamic women for modern women.
The good atmosphere in which the brand came to life, worked positively in cultivating relationships of trust with its partners and with Digital Up. Building relations based on sincere respect and appreciating the dynamics and potential of the newly formed brand, Digital Up throughout the collaboration is a reliable companion in the path of success of the brand.

About the project
Knowing the brand from the beginning, Digital Up set up the foundations that will lead it to the top.
What we did
01. Design & Development
02. Digital Marketing & Social Media Presence
The unique selling proposition of Project Soma (famous -in the public- designers, unique creations, ecological character) were all considered for the project to be crowned with absolute success, exceeding the customer’s expectations, and making it stand out. The unique aesthetics, the advanced functions and the actions for the optimal projection came as a result of the uninterrupted harmonic cooperation between the teams of Developers, Creative and Marketing.

Design & Development
Our passion for e-commerce met the boho aesthetics and the romantic mood of Athena Oikonomakou and Mary Synatsaki, in a modern and fully functional online store. In the latest retouch in 2021, the use of fluo colors and linear typography follow the latest design trends while the use of specific graphic elements and icons emphasize ethical ecommerce and the use of organic leather in the products sold.
The online store was designed mobile first and implemented in Magento, giving us the opportunity to take advantage of several automated functions in the marketing strategy such as the abandoned cart e-mail and the rewarding of customers through birthdays and anniversaries.
At the same time, we strengthened the commercial activity of the brand project soma through the connection of Magento with the SoftOne software, providing real-time data update for the company and for the visitors of the online store.

Digital Marketing & Social Media Presence
Project Soma trusted DigitalUp in the part of building its Digital strategy but also in the consulting of ideas on marketing via online & offline suggestions and actions.

Goals & Vision
Considering the brand’s dynamic, our goal is not only to boost its awareness but also through digital activities to stand out from the competitors. Our challenge was to achieve a constant increase in sales and conversion rate, coming mostly from the love of the customers for the brand and the products’ quality.
Although the promotion of the Brand comes from a large part of its creators, in order to achieve all the objectives we’ ve set, the use of all digital channels was an integral part.
Having in our hands a functional e-shop with many possibilities and a 360◦ view on the brand gives us the opportunity to think and implement actions either aiming of selling or with the aim of corporate social responsibility.
Sensitive to CSR during the Christmas period (2020) the brand wished to push into the background the profitability and contribute dynamically to charity. The idea was born in a Meeting and with a lot of love and positive energy to offer to fellow human beings, “Project Love” came into existence. The response of the people was spectacular as an action was scheduled for a whole week, in just a few hours was completed!
Μελετώντας τα metrics τριών χρόνων συνεργασίας με το brand, αυτά σημειώνουν σημαντική άνοδο, δουλεύοντας διαρκώς για ένα πολύ πιο κερδοφόρο μέλλον.
The Success Story
320/320 sleeping bags
4.6% conversion rate
20Kusers launch day