Google AdWords
You have a business, website or e-shop you want to promote online using campaign on the platform of Google Adwords; We are pleased to inform you that our company takes for you the complete manage. With extensive experience, comprehensive expertise and significant portfolio we can make your campaign effective and immediate.

Social Media
Social Media are a great showcase for a business, as long as there are build in the right way and so you can benefit from them
But what is the right choice; Facebook? Twitter or Google My Business? How often should you posted a post? The holding of a competition and what kind of competition?
On the rocky road of the conquest of the web first.
The Internet could be described as an arena of global proportions, which actually prevails the law of the jungle, that is the strongest and smartest the one that survives and no mistakes are forgiven
Mail Marketing
Simply and clearly, the Email Marketing is one of the most effective ways of projectioning a business.
The profit and the benefit it can bring a campaign E-mail Marketing, is much bigger than how much it could cost.
AB test
If you want to check the changes you make on your website and to determine if they produce positive results, you can use an A / B test.
It is a simple method that can help you assure that each new design or any new change in any part of your website, is to improve your conversion rate (Conversion Rate), before you make this change in the code of your website.
What is the ROI; It is the acronym of Return on Investment (ROI).
More… It arises from the following fraction: ROI = (revenue of an investment – Cost of investment) / Cost of investmentAlways be positive and greater than one.
You want to promote your products / services in the Russian market?
By using the service Yandex (pay / click & banner ads) that is easy and affordable!
One of the most dynamically developing markets worldwide, especially in an online level, are the States of the former Soviet Union
For Digital Up and its executives the enemy of good is not the best, is “excellent”!“Good to Great” by Jim Collins.
In the continuous effort to optimize our goals through our partners-customers, we are never satisfied. Continuous improvement is the goal and the aim is more customers. We apply AB Test & Split Test techniques, create and optimize unique Landing Pages.